Antacids :
AAntacids are a combination of various compounds with various salts of calcium, magnesium, and
aluminum as active ingredients. The antacids act by neutralizing the acid in the stomach and by inhibiting pepsin, which is a proteolytic enzyme.
Examples of antacids include:
• Aluminum hydroxide gel.
• Calcium carbonate (Alka-Seltzer, Tums)
• Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)
• Gaviscon, Gelusil, Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids. Pepto-Bismol.
What are antacids and what does an antacid do?
Antacids are a medicine that relieves heartburn and indigestion by reducing the amount of acid in your
stomach. Antacids neutralize the acid in your stomach by stopping an enzyme that creates acid to
break down food for digestion (pepsin). You can purchase antacids over-the-counter without
a prescription. There are two types of antacids: liquid and chewable tablets.
What symptoms does an antacid relieve?
Antacids relieve symptoms that cause heartburn and indigestion including:
• A burning sensation in your chest or stomach, especially after eating or at night.
• An acidic or sour taste in your mouth.
• Feeling full or bloated.
• Mild pain in your chest and stomach.
What are antacids approved for?
The Food and Drug Administration approved antacids for treating mild cases of heartburn and indigestion. A
mild case refers to heartburn that happens occasionally or every once in a while rather than every day. Antacids also help combat symptoms of:
• Acid reflux (GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease).
• Stomach lining inflammation (gastritis).
• Stomach ulcers.
Antacids work quickly to relieve symptoms for a few hours. Antacids don't treat underlying medical conditions that cause symptoms.
Who can take antacids?
Most people can take an antacid safely. Ask your healthcare provider if it's safe to start taking antacids if you:
• Are on a low-sodium diet.
• Are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant.
• Are taking other medicines.
• Are under 12 years old.
• Have heart failure.
• Have high blood pressure.